ศิษย์เก่าสัมพันธ์ กองกิจการนักศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
After graduating from Mahidol University, Dr. Nestor S. Arce Jr went back and work for his country. He strongly believed that wisdom is essential in developing society but it is difficult to work in the depressed area because lack of education and access to quality health care. So, he continues his hard work for over 25 years in the medical academe. When the COVID-19 outbreak started he accepted the challenge from the Department of Health Davao Region to be Frontline doctor work in one of their COVID facility in Davao del Sur knowing the risk and unprecedented pressure as well the physical and psychological impact especially on managing patients infected with COVID 19 in a resource limited setting. Now he has a new challenge as the dean of the college of Medicine of Jose Maria College Foundation, with his heart and his mission to create future health care workers who have character imbued with strong empathy to work for the marginalized and underserved sector in his country.