Mahidol University Alumni Relations
A Pioneer in Thailand's Biotechnology Business

As the president of 3N HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED that operates business in biotechnology and laboratory equipment in Thailand, Mr. Nivest considers the impact of biomolecular technology as the innovation of the future and will play importance role in the scientific community. So, he try to disseminate knowledge in this field by established Gibthai Training Center in 1993. This training center aim to be an opportunity for scientists to learn and do experiment about biomolecular technology for practical use and applied to the benefits of humans, plants, animals and environment. After his work as the person in charge of the operations in various charitable organizations and received many honorary awards. Mr. Nivest has an inspiration to initiate a social return project "School Charity Project" since 2007 to promote primary education for children in remote areas by building the permanent facility building in school including sanitary utilities and teaching equipment. So the children who are underprivileged in education can have sustainable education.


Published on: 26/09/2022 09:32 pm
นิเวศน์ ประยูรเธียร

MU Quick Fact

Class of: 1972
Field: Health Science
Faculty / Institute / College: Faculty of Medical Technology
Degree: Bachelor of Science (Medical Technology)