Mahidol University Alumni Relations
Professional on Food Standard Setting

Dr. Sayan Ruadrew's knowledge and experiences in food toxicology were applied to conduct risk analysis for issuing the ministerial regulation under the Food Act (B.E.2522) which is mandatory food standards of Thailand. The food standards are implemented for the domestic food industry and food importers to ensure consumer safety protection. Examples of the recent food standards to which he was the main contributor are 1. Ministry of Public Health Notification (No. 424), B.E.2564, RE: Prescribing foods that are prohibited to produce, import, and sale (Negative List of plants and animals) 2. Ministry of Public Health Notification (No. 427), B.E.2564, RE: Food products that contain parts of cannabis or hemp 3. Ministry of Public Health Notification (No. 428), B.E.2564, RE: Standard of food contaminant-THC and CBD


Published on: 26/05/2023 10:02 am

MU Quick Fact

Class of: 2005
Field: Science and Technology
Faculty / Institute / College: Institute of Nutrition
Degree: Master of Science Program in Toxicology and Nutrition for Food