ศิษย์เก่าสัมพันธ์ กองกิจการนักศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล

A Model Pharmacist in Herbal Industry Development

● Healthcare
Since the government developed primary health care as a national development strategy, emphasizing self-reliance on public health, traditional medicine and local herbs must be used to treat basic diseases. Dr. Supaporn Pitiporn dedicated herself to teach and train village volunteers and public health reporters on herbs in primary health care work. This acquired knowledge was transformed into herbal medicinal products, to develop a plant-based medicine to treat oral herpes in children for which no effective treatment was available among modern drugs, the pharmacist decided to make a glycerin preparation from phya yor (Clinacanthus nutans (Burm. f.) Lindau). Other medicinal products kept coming out of Supaporn’s lab including those made from turmeric, fatalai chone (Andrographis paniculata Wall ex Ness.) chumhet thes (Cassia alata ( L.) Roxb.) for use in the hospital. Furthermore, Dr. Supaporn Pitiporn also drives the drug information dervice (DIS) as a herbal knowledge center. Including academic publications, research, and information communication work by utilizing evidence-based medicine methods to generate herbal health care information, clinical information, research, and serving as a public health consultant.
● Manufacturing & Industry
Dr. Supaporn Pitiporn drives Abhaibhubejhr herbal products continuously since 1995, the herbal product with high quality, efficacy and safety were in acceptable international pharmacopoeias criteria. Currently, the Abhaibhubejhr Hospital Foundation has received GMP-PIC/S (PIC/S-Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme), standards by adopting the provisions of international conventions drug assessment of the European Union. The Chaophya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital Foundation and Chaophya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital intend to develop a learning center for the GMP-PIC/S factory, a prototype of Abhaibhubejhr herbal products. To provide an opportunity for entrepreneurs, students, and the public to study and observe the production of herbal medicines with standards. Abhaibhubejhr products range from herbal medicine, dietary supplements and cosmetics.
● Social Impact
Dr. Supaporn Pitiporn is the herbal products project development supporter. Its goal is to increase people's profession application potential by instructing, educating, showing, and conducting. From planting to harvesting, processing, and raw materials regulation of raw material until finished good selling. There is a guide to planting and harvesting organic herbs. distributed to interested farmers and agencies. Ban Dong Bang community as the model to produce raw materials for organic farming, growing organic herbs and supply chain management through contract farming (Contact Farming) to produce good raw materials. This project has been selected as a national outstanding project in the field of social development. (Thai herbs) in 2002.
● Education
From 2008 to the present, Dr. Supaporn Pitiporn gathers knowledge of herbs from local healers in different regions. Including the transmission of usage information from ancestors to be compiled and conveyed into 12 books (records of the land) and other herbal knowledge information. These knowledges are the identity and intellectual heritage of Thailand that can be referenced and useful for universal appication. In addition, Dr. Supaporn has also been invited to lecture on herbal development for government and private agencies, including educational institutions. Moreover, research works have been published at various national and international levels.



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Published on: 25/01/2023 02:15 pm
ภญ. ดร. สุภาภรณ์_1 copy32

MU Quick Fact

Class of: 2004
Field: Health Science
Faculty / Institute / College: ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Degree: 1982, Doctor of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy 1997, Master of Primary Health Care Management, Asean Institute for Health Development 2004, Doctor of Philosophy Program in Medical and Health Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities