Mahidol University Alumni Relations
Innovator Expanded Medical Extract Industry and AI

Dr. David is an innovator who specializes in innovation creation. He received more than 19 international research and innovation awards from various organizations. He has knowledge and experience in the food industry, digital technology, technology in agriculture and livestock, the health industry, and the medical industry. He also has intellectual property management skills and can create commercial benefits from innovation. As a global leader in artificial intelligence and precision agriculture. He uses technology to intelligent monitor the behavior of dairy cows in the tropics. He also specializes in adding value to Thai agricultural resources, by developing agricultural raw materials with science and technology to increase the value by more than 10 times. His products are accepted in Asia and the European region. His recognition work is creating new industries in Thailand such as the Colostrum development industry and created AI to help dairy farmers in Thailand build their businesses.



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Published on: 27/01/2023 01:54 pm

MU Quick Fact

Class of: 2014
Field: Social Science and Humanities
Faculty / Institute / College: College of Management
Degree: Master of Management