Mahidol University Alumni Relations
Refractory expert who design toward net zero

Dr.Bovornlak adapted the fundamentals from his degree to become an expert in refractory engineering in Thailand. He contributes his knowledge to The Council of Engineers Thailand every year by giving special lectures to various organizations including government and industrial sectors. He also invented a Smart Monitoring system for industries to thermally monitor and evaluate the refractory lining which can be used to estimate refractory life span and planning for energy loss reduction. These can help industries to reduce maintenance costs and reduce emissions through energy consumption optimization which is the goal of the net zero target that many industries must be achieved shortly. He also has been involved in refractory solutions and design in various industries both domestic and international.


Published on: 29/01/2024 03:27 pm
BovornlakO 001

MU Quick Fact

Class of: 1996
Field: Science and Technology
Faculty / Institute / College: Faculty of Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering)