ศิษย์เก่าสัมพันธ์ กองกิจการนักศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล

Asst.Prof. Dr. 
Teacher disseminates SCI-Knowledge to the masses

Teacher disseminates SCI-Knowledge to the masses :
Assistant Professor Dr. Puey Ounjai always tried to improve his teaching by developing new pedagogy and incorporating new technologies. For example, he popularized the low-cost DIY microscope construction in 2014-2015 and applied photogrammetry (creating 3D images from mobile phone cameras) in Scientific Illustration. He is among the pioneers who developed of Small Private Online Courses (SPOCs) to support lab briefings in biology laboratory, and invented the Time-restricted Guided-Inquiry based Learning technique for teaching zoology (Samranwanich et al., 2019). He has also served as a judge in several national-level science competitions and has given talks to high school and university students, including the Asian Science Camp. Puey was one of the research advisors behind the ICS_BKK high school team, which won a bronze medal in the International Genetic Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition in 2020. To date, Ounjai lab has graduated over 30 students with bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, who now work in government, private sectors, and international organizations both in Thailand and abroad. Several of his former students have received prestigious scholarships such as the Fulbright, Franco-Thai, Japanese government, DPST (abroad), and Mahidol-Liverpool scholarships. Dr. Puey received the 2020 Exemplary Teacher Award from the Faculty Senate of Mahidol University's Faculty of Science and the 2022 Outstanding University Science Teacher Award from the Science Society of Thailand under Patronage of His Majesty the King.


Published on: 15/10/2024 03:59 pm

MU Quick Fact

Class of: 2007
Field: Science and Technology
Faculty / Institute / College: Institute of Molecular Biosciences
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering)