ศิษย์เก่าสัมพันธ์ กองกิจการนักศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Space Tech and Sustainable Development Engineer :
Dr. Piyawat is an executive leading initiatives at the intersection of space technology and sustainability. He has spearheaded a project evaluating carbon credit sequestration in the forestry sector by integrating advanced space-based remote sensing technologies and artificial intelligence/machine intelligence (AI/MI Space). Thaicom Public Company Limited partnered with the Mac Fah Luang Foundation under Royal Patronage, which got model approval from Thailand's Greenhouse Gas Management Organization on July 11, 2024. This is the first satellite-based forestry model certified in Thailand, potentially replicated model to scale in other countries, increasing Thailand's capacity and drastically lowering project costs. It fosters collaboration to minimize global warming in the forestry industry, especially community forests, where the concept of Al Space for Sustainability in its scale and application will have a significant positive influence.