ศิษย์เก่าสัมพันธ์ กองกิจการนักศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Thai Military Med and Specialized Clinics Expert :
Clinical Prof. Lt. Gen. Phanuvich has demonstrated the application of his knowledge to benefit society in several ways: He introduced the use of latex surgical tubes to stop bleeding in soldiers who had lost limbs due to landmines. Before using the latex surgical tube, the mortality rate was 100%. After its introduction, the mortality rate dropped to 0%. The Royal Thai Army later declared the latex surgical tube as standard equipment for all soldiers. As the Director of the Department of Otolaryngology, he founded and developed the subspecialty clinics within the department, making it the first institution in Thailand to have all seven subspecialties: Allergy Clinic, Rhinology and Sinuses Clinic, Otoneurology Clinic, Head-Neck and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic, Pediatric Otolaryngology Clinic, Voice and Swallowing Clinic, and Snoring Clinic. Asiaweek magazine recognized it as one of the top otolaryngology care units in Asia. He supported and provided leadership in military medicine within ASEAN. In 2013, he led a team of Thai military doctors in a joint ASEAN disaster relief exercise in Brunei, where they were praised by the Sultan of Brunei for their ability to rappel from helicopters into disaster areas and quickly set up emergency rope bridges to evacuate patients to safety. In 2016, the Thai Ministry of Defense was recognized as the leader in establishing the ASEAN Center of Military Medicine (ACMM), which is permanently located in Bangkok to this day.
“I am proud to have graduated with a Doctor of Medicine degree from Mahidol University, whose program is recognized by leading universities worldwide.” Proud to be Mahidol Alumni by Clinical Prof. Lt. Gen. Dr. Phanuvich Pumhirun