ศิษย์เก่าสัมพันธ์ กองกิจการนักศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Teeth for life promotion oral health until old age :
K.Itsaranuwat pioneered the Teeth for Life concept to promote oral health from birth until old age. Through the process of participation of people in the community, sustainability was achieved and the results were evident and were presented on both the national and international stages. The public sector supports operations through independent networks. For example, the Tooth Lovers Club, the network of Enough Sweet for Thai Children, and the network of Thai School Oral Health. The social situation has changed into an aging society. Consequently, take action to prevent aspiration pneumonia in bedridden elderly people with dysphagia and spread this knowledge to various areas. To be able to provide proper and appropriate care for dependent patients. Including integration of oral health with a Holistic care approach. Through the development of the public health service system. There is also research that is published in the journals of Public Health and Development on the topic “The effectiveness of the dental health education program on children from 2 to 5 years and their caretakers in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand” In addition, he has dedicated himself to providing dental care to prisoners in Ratchaburi Central Prison and Khao Bin Ratchaburi Prison for over 15 years. As a dental health caretaker, he aspires to see the Thai people with good oral health and free from diseases that affect their daily lives.