ศิษย์เก่าสัมพันธ์ กองกิจการนักศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Asia-Pacific championing data-driven HIV response :
Dr. Ye Yu Shwe is a dedicated public health professional currently serving as strategic information advisor at the UNAIDS Multi-country Office for Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Malaysia. Before this, he was a highly respected strategic information officer at the UNAIDS Asia and the Pacific Regional Office, renowned for his expertise in data-driven HIV response. With a background in medicine and social research, he has dedicated his career to improving the quality and depth of HIV data across the Asia-Pacific region, helping shape national AIDS responses. His work emphasizes the need for disaggregated data to address inequalities and ensure all affected populations have access to essential services. He is also an advocate for reducing HIV stigma, championing social justice, and ensuring dignity for people living with HIV. His innovative approach and commitment to equitable healthcare have inspired progress in combating HIV in the region.